Heavy Vehicle (13 ton) Brake Tester- STT30


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The STT30 brake tester is designed for high volumes of testing on vehicles with up to 13 tons of axle load. This is perfect for the camper and light to medium truck market because any vehicle weighing over 3.5 tons must be COF tested on a heavy vehicle brake tester. 

The STT30 is as all of our testers, a German designed split bed model with quality Nord 11kw motors and sensors and will fit directly into many existing heavy brake test pit lanes. It can also be delivered with a single frame mounting system for fitting into a flat floor arrangement (price on application). 

The STT30 is fully hot dip galvanised and is an NZTA COF approved Brake Tester

  • 13000kg Axle Load
  • 0-40kn measure range
  • 4wd brake testing capability
  • 700-2700mm, 800-2800mm or 900-2900mm track width options
  • 208 x 1000mm rollers
  • >0.7 / 0.6 coef. friction (dry/wet)
  • Locking rollers for easy exit
  • NZTA WOF approved
  • Reliable software and imagery with accurate and repeatable test results

SKU: 10000-157

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